ICS, LLC as a Class A General Contractor provides cutting-edge expertise that often overshadows the heart of what we do—which is to build buildings. We place well educated, trained skilled builders on our projects who understand construction means and methods, sound management processes and procedures, and who embrace the highest standards for excellence in the industry.
25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + Years
We manage our projects with on-site resources and provide the core services:
- Cost Management
- Schedule Management
- On-site Safety Training
- Supervision and Coordination
- Project Coordination & Logistics Management
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Project Closeout / Post Construction Support
- Owner Move-in Coordination
- Commissioning
- Quality Control
ICS’s work is performed using a spectrum of delivery methods ranging from fixed priced contracts, IDIQ firm fixed priced Task Orders, JOC Job Orders, Construction Management At-Risk, Design-Build, and Cost Plus Fee contracts. ICS can add value to your project and reduce your schedule. When using a design-build method, our focus is to assemble the right team of designers and engineers to deliver the completed facility successfully. We understand that our clients look to their general contractor to deliver their project at the best price regardless of the delivery method used.
For your next project, please contact Alex Lucas, President, ICS at 571-991-1003.
ICS builds relationships that are built on a foundation of trust, service, and a history of success.
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